Ken Nishiyama x Masahiko Kusagaya Special Dialogue
Discerning resonanceVol.1~ Looking back on the joint exhibition ~
Ken Nishiyama x Masahiko Kusagaya Special Dialogue
Discerning resonanceVol.1~ Looking back on the joint exhibition ~
Ken Nishiyama x Masahiko Kusagaya
Special dialogue
Discerning resonanceVol.1~ Looking back on the joint exhibition ~
7month13Day15Day3Minami -Aoyama in the daySTUMP BASELifestyle joint exhibition held in. ""Beautiful LifestyleUnder the theme of apparel, sports, jewelry, fragrance, next -generation home appliances, wellness, to natural wine12The brand gathered, and a lot of happy encounters were born for both the exhibitors and visitors. This time, we will send a special dialogue with Ken Nishiyama, who is the fellow of the Brooklyn Museum, Kusagaya.
■ This partner
Ken Nishiyama
1978Born in Kanagawa Prefecture.Representative director of Plaza Co., Ltd. The supreme cut sewrand "" ultimate in comfort "T '"designer.
Kusagaya: Thank you for your hard work the other day. Thank you for having a really valuable opportunity.
Nishiyama: Thank you very much. Probably, of course, everyone who was happy was happy.
Kusagaya: That's right. I was very inspired by myself, and it was very popular with customers, and customers who could not come this time have said, "I want to go next time."
Nishiyama: Thank you. After that, various people told me, "I gathered well," but it wasn't the people who gathered specially for this, but it was like having friends nearby gathered. The atmosphere was natural.
Kusagaya: There were really many different brands, everyone was creative and unique, and all the people had their own wonderful commitment.
Nishiyama: Both the exhibitors and the visitors, everyone“Those who know”I guess I could have a very positive and good story in the first meeting. I got a lot of voices saying "it was fun," and I myself was a very fulfilling time. I was happy to be able to share that atmosphere and worldview with various people. How was Kusagaya -kun personally?
Kusagaya: It was a special joint exhibition with an extraordinary feeling. In addition, there are only brands that gathered through Ken's filters, so there is no sense of empathy. I don't just sympathize“Depth”Is amazing. The exhibitors were the same, and it didn't take time to get to know them with other brand customers for the first time. The sense of unity was wrapped in such a comfortable feeling like a music festival.
Nishiyama: I have the same sense. It's comfortable to finish after the end. It's great to be able to enjoy the lingering sound.
Kusagaya: I'm glad if you can taste that experience.
Nishiyama: Actually, I'm thinking a bit about the following, and next time I think it's a good idea to do it in a place where I want to go a little. New places and topical places. For example, a luxury hotel just recently made.
Kusagaya: An event that pushes back to the place you want to go to a little. That feeling is good.
Nishiyama: And, in addition to the brands that gathered this time, I hope that new friends can participate.
Kusagaya: The possibilities are expanding.
Nishiyama: Over time, I think it would be interesting if I could go abroad with the brands that gathered at this edge. For example, Paris, Florence, Singapore,NYLet's do it in Shanghai. Speaking of this, it seems like something amazing, but I think it would be possible if we all together.
Kusagaya: I think so too. I want to spread the circle of empathy to the world.
Nishiyama: The common people who have gathered in the joint exhibition are the people who are really serious about manufacturing. No one wants to make cheaper and make a lot of profits. Anyway, there are only stances that make good things and be transmitted to the people who transmit them.
Kusagaya: I certainly felt that common point. I haven't blurred the values for 20 years.
Nishiyama: Of course, if you sell a lot, you can sell it, but it is underlying that you don't want to bend your thoughts. Ideally, the price is inevitably higher, but it is ideal to make good things and reach those who know it.
Kusagaya: How do you increase the person who understands the stance? Do you expand your empathy circle? It's important to talk to each person and feel attractive.
Nishiyama: It's important to advertise Burn, and it's not "everyone come!" It is good to have one person and one customer introducing the customer and spread.
Kusagaya: Thank you. We often have customers who have realized that they are good to use. I think Ken's brand is the same. If you actually wear it, you will want to introduce it to someone because you feel that it is comfortable to wear and feel good.
Nishiyama: It's difficult to introduce it to people if you are not confident in yourself.
Kusagaya: In that sense, that joint exhibition was just a brand that I wanted to introduce.
Nishiyama: I'm glad to say that. The important thing is that the creator's personality is a set, and it's a brand that you want to introduce. The creator and the item are a good world view in a set. Recently, "comfort" is not just "good". I feel that the joint exhibition was a perfect form that was all "brand", "space", and "visitors".
Kusagaya: I'm sorry, I understand. I want to continue brushing up and improving it. Looking back, the more you look back, the better the space, the members, and the customer. The happy feeling will be revived.
Kusagaya: It's a joint exhibition, but we want to make something together.
Nishiyama: That looks interesting too. How to multiply the fabric and leather ...
Kusagaya: For example, it may be interesting or interesting. Ken's brand fabric is good, so if you do a little, the durability will be sufficient. For example, try the handle as our material or attach a leather tag ...
Nishiyama: I see. That's a really good idea.
Kusagaya: Of course, I think the design is important, but I think it's only because of the material, so if you cross the materials that are packed with Ken -san's commitment, it's really one and only. I think I can do something.
Nishiyama: Like. It's a collaboration between the materials that the brands are particular about.
Kusagaya: Yes. I think that can be made from something like a drawstring. Because it is a T -shirt, I think there are things that can be used as it is, and some are not. I don't want to do anything extra because I want to make use of the goodness of the ingredients, though I have to do something. Still, I don't know what a design that can ensure durability is fun if we think together.
Nishiyama: If you talk like this, you will get more ideas. At the next joint exhibition, it might be possible to make it something.
Kusagaya: Just imagine it is exciting.
Nishiyama: Exciting, it's important. I want to look at the future and change my imagination into creation.
Edited by ryuichi takao
Photography by Kenta Mukawa
Directed by Harumi Naito